Glossary of Champagne Terms
Champagne Terminology
The sour or tart taste in wine and other food. The primary natural acid in grapes and wine is Tartaric acid; the second most abundant is Malic acid. Sometimes referred to as the “backbone” of a wine, acidity contributes to a wine’s aging ability. The sour taste of acidity in wine is often pleasantly counterbalanced by sweetness (from sugar or alcohol). Sparkling wines usually contain higher acidities than white still wines, which themselves usually contain higher acidities than red still wines. It is the acidity which gives fine sparkling wines their crispness
Champagne Terminology
A predinner drink
Champagne Terminology
The blending of the various base wines to create a new cuvee
Champagne Terminology
The breaking down of yeast creating biscuity, bready aromas and flavours
Champagne Terminology
Stirring the lees during fermentation or maturation
Blanc de Blanc
Champagne Styles
A wine made with white grapes only (Chardonnay mainly for Champagne)
Blanc de Blanc
Champagne Terminology
A wine made with white grapes only (Chardonnay mainly for Champagne)
Blanc de Noir
Champagne Styles
Wine made with black grapes only (Pinot Noir and or Meunier for Champagne)
Blanc de Noirs
Champagne Terminology
A wine made with black grapes only (Pinot Noir and or Meunier for Champagne)
Champagne Terminology
A yeast infection formed in the barrel that taints the wine with animalistic aromas/farm, leather, sweat or metallic and antiseptic aromas
Champagne Terminology
Dry (less than 12g/L of sugar)
Champagne Styles
Dry (less than 12g/L of sugar)
Brut Nature
Champagne Terminology
No added sugar (less than 3g/L)
Brut Nature
Champagne Styles
No added sugar (less than 3g/L)
Brut Zero
Champagne Styles
No added sugar (less than 3g/L)
Brut Zero
Champagne Terminology
No added sugar (less than 3g/L)
CIVC - Comite Champagne
Champagne Terminology
The over arching organisation linked to the French government that monitor production and distribution of Champagne
Producer Terms
Cooprative Manipulant is a growers co-op that pools resources and produces wine under a single brand.
Champagne Terminology
A wine cellar, normally underground in Champagne
Champagne Terminology
The grape variety or blend of varieties used (like a recipe)
Champagne Terminology
Adding of sugar or concentrated grape juice to increase ABV
Champagne Terminology
A walled vineyard
Producer Terms
Coops are located in specific villages in Champagne and make a cuvee with multiple growers in the same region (Nicolas Feuillatte, etc.).
Champagne Terminology
A slang term for the wine fault where TCA (trichloroanisole) is present in the wine (traditionally from the natural cork), giving off a wet cardboard/ wet dog smell and dampening fruity aromas.
Coteaux Champenois
Champagne Terminology
Still wine from Champagne, mostly red made from Pinot Noir
Champagne Terminology
Huge underground pits made out of chalk by the Romans now used as wine cellars
Champagne Terminology
A village or commune
Champagne Terminology
The first pressing of the grapes. Also a term used to describe an individual blend or style of Champagne
Champagne Terminology
Disgorgment (removal of frozen yeast/sediment plug before bottling)
Demi Sec
Champagne Styles
Medium dry (32-50g/L of sugar)
Demi Sec
Champagne Terminology
Medium dry (3250g/L of sugar)
Champagne Terminology
A closure brand made of fragments of cork that have been treated to extract cork taint
Champagne Terminology
A mixture of sugar and wine (liqueur d'expedition) that's added to the bottle before the cork is inserted
Echelle Des Crus
Champagne Terminology
Champagne classification system of quality villages. Grand cru, premier cru for example
Extra Brut
Champagne Styles
Extra dry (Less than 6g/L of sugar)
Extra Brut
Champagne Terminology
Extra dry (Less than 6g/L of sugar)
Extra Dry
Champagne Terminology
Off dry (1217g/L of sugar)
Extra Dry
Champagne Styles
Off dry (12-17g/L of sugar)
Extra Sec
Champagne Styles
Off dry (12-17g/L of sugar)
Extra Sec
Champagne Terminology
Off dry (1217g/L of sugar)
Champagne Terminology
The process of creating alcohol, CO2 and heat by yeast converting sugar
Grand Cru
Champagne Terminology
The highest ranking vineyard within the Echelle Dec Crus system. There are 17 in total with this rank and all plots within the village are ranked at the same level
Grandes Marques
Champagne Terminology
A made up term for the famous larger Champagne houses. No factual specification and a widely used term
Grower Champagne
Champagne Terminology
A producer who produces Champagne form their own land and are only permitted to outsource 5% of grapes
Champagne Terminology
A large machine that mechanically riddles bottles
Champagne Terminology
Adding yeast to a ferment
Champagne Terminology
Dead yeast cells and other sediment that settles at the bottom of the barrel/bottle
Champagne Terminology
A negative effect/fault in a wine when contact with UV light has taken place
Liqeuer de Dosage
Champagne Terminology
Wine and sugar added to the bottle before closing with a cork
Liqeuer de Tirage
Champagne Terminology
Wine and sugar/ concentrated grape juice added to encourage a second fermentation on bottle
Liqueur de Expedition
Champagne Terminology
Wine and sugar added to the bottle before closing with a cork
Producer Terms
Marque d'Acheteur aka Buyer's Own Brand. A large retail or restaurant that buys a finished wine and sells it under their own private label.
Champagne Terminology
Soaking red grape skins on the extracted juice (for rose Champagne or still red wine)
Champagne Terminology
House, or a slang term used for the producer/ brand of Champagne
Malic Acid
Champagne Terminology
Naturally occurring in fruit and grapes, and is responsible for acid/ freshness levels
Malolactic fermentation
Champagne Terminology
Malo for slang, is the process of converting malic acids to softer lacto acids which also impart diary aromas and flavours to the wine
Method Champenois
Champagne Terminology
The Champagne/ traditional method, referring to the way on which Champagne is made
Champagne Terminology
Champagne Terminology
A descriptive term to describe aromas and flavours derived from soil
Champagne Terminology
The wire cage which secures the cork in the bottle
Producer Terms
Negociant Distributeur refers to a buyer who labels and distributes Champagne that they neither grew nor produced.
Producer Terms
NM gociant Manipulant is a producer who buys all or some of their grapes from other growers. Anything less than 94% estate fruit must be labelled NM.
Champagne Styles
NV is a wine made using base wines from more than one vintage (year)
Champagne Terminology
NV is a wine made using base wines from more than one vintage (year)
Champagne Terminology
Also know as powdery mildew, and is a fungal disease which can ruin crops
Champagne Terminology
A practise that avoids any chemical intervention throughout the growing and wine making process such as pesticides or fungicides
Oxidisation/ oxidised
Champagne Terminology
Is a fault that occurs when the wine has come into contact with oxygen while or after bottling, and gives off a vinegar taste and aroma as well and dampening the fruit flavours sometimes even turning the wine brown
Champagne Terminology
A process that requires the bottle (after corking) to be vigorously shaken in order to disturb lees and help impart flavours associated with lees (bread) into the wine
Premier Cru
Champagne Terminology
The second highest tier of vineyard quality in the Echelle Des Crus ranking system of which there are 41
Prestife Cuvee
Champagne Terminology
The flagship Champagne from a brand which is normally also the most expensive and one that can age
Prestige Cuvee
Champagne Styles
The flagship Champagne from a brand which is normally also the most expensive and one that can age
Prise de Mousse
Champagne Terminology
The second fermentation that creates the bubbles inside the bottle
Champagne Terminology
The rack in which wines are stored to be riddled by hand
Producer Terms
Recoltant Cooperateur refers to a grower-producer who has their own Champagne brand made at a co-op facility.
Producer Terms
Society de Recoltants is a union of growers who shares resources and collectively markets their own brands.
Producer Terms
Recoltant Manipulantrefers to a grower-producer who uses a minimum of 95% estate fruit. This is classically considered the Champagne grower-producer type, although, it�s possible for a Maison to use this classification on a sub-label or brand.
Champagne Terminology
A wine made with very limited exposure to oxygen that as a style displays aromas of gunpowder or a burnt match and in extreme cases, rubber, cooked cabbage, garlic and onion
Champagne Terminology
Refers to the riddling process
Reserve wines
Champagne Terminology
Withheld wines stored in the cellar (normally tank), from each vintage to blend into NV wines (or other styles of Champagne)
Champagne Terminology
The process leading up the to disgorgement that moves the sediment to the neck of the bottle. Either by hand or gyropalette
Champagne Styles
A pink wine made by bleeding the colour from black grapes skins into the juice
Champagne Terminology
A way to open a Champagne bottle with traditionally a sabre, but now also all types of objects
Champagne Terminology
A way to make a rose in which the juice has 'bled off' from crushed grape skins after a short cold maceration prior to fermentation
Champagne Styles
Semi sweet (17-32g/L of sugar)
Champagne Terminology
Sec Semi sweet (1732g/L of sugar)
Sur Pointe
Champagne Terminology
In between riddling and disgorgement, bottles are stored 'neck down' with the lees settled in the neck
Champagne Terminology
A term used to describe a wine that has a 'sense of place', meaning you can taste where it came. The vineyard, soil, microclimate, altitude, aspect, drainage etc all contribute
Champagne Terminology
Is the bottling of blended wines with the addition with sugar and yeast to bring on a second fermentation
Champagne Terminology
Harvest or vintage
Vielles Vignes
Champagne Terminology
Old vines
Champagne Terminology
A vine grower
Producer Terms
Vigerons are grower-producers, or a single family/person who grows his own grapes in a specific place and makes his own wine.
Vin Clair
Champagne Terminology
A base wine that has gone through its primary, but not secondary fermentation
Champagne Terminology
A wine made from a single year
Champagne Styles
A wine made from a single year
Zero Dosage
Champagne Terminology
No sweetness is added