Over the past few difficult years, with the help of our Committee, Academicians, Houses & Guests, we have supported The Drinks Trust, with our Charity Magnum Competitions. We are very proud to say we donated that money towards their DEVELOP scheme, DELIVERING DRINKS EDUCATION & TRAINING TO THOSE IN HARDSHIP. This is close to our heart in the Champagne Academy, with Education being at the core of the Annual course & tastings we hold throughout the year.
Please see the report below for how the first year of DEVELOP has helped people across the country.
As Chairman for 2023, I would like to say we will be continuing our fund raising for The Drinks Trust for the next 12 months, with the aim to support more people finding themselves in difficult times, and increasing their knowledge & education in the Hospitality, Wine & Champagne industries. If you'd like to find out more about the Charity, head to their website https://www.drinkstrust.org.uk/

Many thanks for all those who have donated, and I hope to have your support in this great foundation for 2023.
Many thanks
Paul Walker
Vice Chairman
The Champagne Academy