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David Johnson

In my 20’s I managed a small chain of grocery, sandwich and delicatessen shops in Leadenhall Market. I had a taste for Champagne but was frustrated by the way most off-licences displayed and stored it.

In 1983 I conceived, designed, built and managed The Champagne and Caviar shop. The aim of which was to take the fear out of buying champagne, to make it more than a once a year celebration. And to offer the widest possible choice of Grande Marques with all their different styles, vintages and cuvees.

It was a great privilege to join the 1987 Champagne Academy course. It was inspirational, educational and enjoyable. The perfect cuvee.

I enjoyed the very finest of wines and met some wonderful people. Being invited into the family of the Grande Marques who made up the Academy was a great honour.

My year as Chairman in 1998 went by in a flash, or the sigh of a cork. Far too many highlights to single one out. I am very grateful to the principals, the shippers and academicians for making the Academy what it is:

A family forever promoting and celebrating the joy of Academy Champagne.

David Johnson vintage 1953. Disgorged 1987.

Showing signs of age but keeping well.

Chairman Year


Academy Year


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